This writing is what I promised to some “buddies” who want
to know how I’m doing my trades.
Before you read this, please keep in mind that I am only
HUMAN, though my username contains “god” but I assure you I’m just as human as
you :)
So, as long as I’m making mistakes too, I really don’t want
to show off or trump up anything. All I wanna do is just sharing my own
experience in trading gold simply because I can be what I am now because once
in my life, there was somebody who shared his own experience to me too.
Now we begin,
I begun my margin trading years ago and to be honest, I was
not a successful trader with all those call margins and thousands dollars of
losses. I have traded various market and commodities, from TRB (Tokyo Red Bean)
to HSI (Hangseng), from Cable to JPY. Nothing worked for me. Until someday,
seeing me in front of the chart, my brother in law told me why I didn’t trade
gold since its price had been rising up and became the most profitable
instrument for his friend.
So, I decided to give it a try. At last, from January 2011
until now, I’ve been trading gold only since it is profitable for me too.
My style in trading gold is very simple. I don’t use
complicated technicals anymore, just a simple way to define support /
resistance and a very strict discipline to open positions in the market.
Steps to trade my style:
Define the support/resistance (S/R) level from
5M, 30M, and 1H at most. Almost not necessary to use daily chart or longer time
frames as I am an intraday trader / scalper.
The entry or open position (I prefer BUY, but it
depends on main trend) is whenever price almost touches the support level. The
key is patience to wait the moment and not to be greedy, just put only a little
at a time and always prepare for averaging.
The exit point is just before it touches the
next resistance level.
In case of the price moves to the other side,
buy more positions before it touches lower support level for averaging my BEP.
Sometimes I use volume analysis and RSI (14)
weighted to confirm the entry point.
I always put Stop Loss when having SELL
positions but almost never use it when holding BUYs. But I have to remind that
it really depends on the strength of your margin.
Important things to remember:
Before making an entry, first make sure that the
price has already slowed down and stuck in 5M chart. If the movement of the
price is still strong downside (in bullish situation and vice versa), do not
enter even though it touches support level. Usually when price movement is
still strong, it will break that support. Remember, this is my self-defined
support, not conventional one.
I can open 5 – 10 positions every day. Begin
usually with a small lot and averaging with same or bigger lot. The distance
between each open position depends, mostly each $5 to $15 or every support area
I already defined.
The STRENGTH of my margin is CRUCIAL. In this
case, I do a strict risk management by keeping my margin being able to hold the
price up to about $150 down with all my open positions. (Remember, this is only
for BUYING positions, for SELL position I always use Stop Loss). I always count
my margin each time I open a position. So when it reaches my margin strength
limit, I will stop averaging and hold positions. I think $150 for endurance is
quite enough these days.
Never chase the price if it’s already too late
to enter the market. Better waiting rather than losing. When it begins
correction, then I’ll take the position.
Always watch fundamental / strong impact news,
since this news has strong influence in gold trading when it comes out. But
please be wise. News and Opinion looks the same but it totally has different
effects. Ignore opinions but pay attention to news. One of the minus points
about Forex Factory is that it posts many opinions that sometimes very bias.
The keys of the success are the patience to wait
discounted entry point, strict risk management, and disciplines, and of course,
I have opened an account that I link to trade explorer at
FF. This is a small account with just $1.200 initial capital. I made this
account exclusively for FF Trade Explorer to prove that my trading style will
work out and that trading with limited capital can be profitable too.
I set Stop/Targets and Pending Orders so it can be seen for
my buddies’ lists. In that way you can always check my positions. But once more
I have to remind you, please be wise, since I’m ONLY HUMAN with all the
mistakes and misperceptions. Please don’t follow it blindly, use your own
analysis because you and I still have many differences in amount of lot opened,
strength of the margin, characteristic, trading speed, risk taking manners, and
many other factors.
I don’t make that
explorer opened to influence any person take same position as I do. I open
my explorer just to share my trading experiences lively.
I let my trade explorer open with hope that my sharing can be
useful to somebody exactly just as to me in the beginning of my trading.
Anyone may follow my positions, but the risks are on your
side. I’ve warned you…
Cheers and happy trading.
Gold-god (2012-10)
gan, boleh minta YM nya? atau tolong add YM saya di , membership saya di forex factory kena denied...jd nga bisa nge post atau ngobrol2 T_T
BalasHapusHalo Gan,
HapusMohon maaf saya tidak mengaktifkan YM saya.
Atau mungkin bisa memposting disini saja, tapi kalau disini mungkin lebih lambat responnya karena tidak setiap hari saya buka.
Coba aja Gan daftar ulang di FF dengan email baru. Seharusnya sih bisa. Dengan demikian lebih cepat interaksinya disana.
sudha banyak juga teman ane yang masuk ke dalam broker ACY ini gan, dimana yang ane lihat dari website nya sangat bagus. seperti kursus online, spread rendah, eksekusi cepat dan tingkat keamanan dana terpercaya, ane langsung ingin coba masuk, semoga ane disini bisa merasakan kenyamanan dan lancar melakukan tradingnya gan.