Kamis, 30 Mei 2013

Forecast - 2013.05.30

As predicted in the last posting, both Gold and Silver (not shown here) form morning star chart pattern and the price goes up.
My timing entry when gold break resistance at 1398.

Question: when will it go next?
From weekly chart it is obvious to see that gold has just begun to move from oversold area, so I think it will move more to the upside. Let's see to a smaller TF, H4 chart below.

From the H4 chart, we can see clearly that gold form a nicely shape Higher Low base., showing that this uptrend is strongly supported.
But in this H4 chart, we also can see a resistance, actually 2 resistances for me and RSI + William % Range also shows overbought in H4 TF.
In my opinion, gold will have some pullback, but not too far. It might go once again around its up-sloped support and then bounce back to the north, since the weekly chart is still shows extreme Oversold condition.
Let's see.

PS: Disclaimer ON.

Good luck.

GG - 2013.05.30

9 komentar:

  1. Hello,

    You seemed to have predicted well the downward trend during last months. I just read this article predicting a slight recovery of gold price if the Fed doesnt move. What is your opinion on that?

  2. Hi Sebastien,
    Of course the gold price will be affected by QE policy and the amount of QE will determine the price of gold.
    But still, the link you gave also didn't give any estimation where to or how far gold price will go. Many believes that gold will go down touching $1.000 and the others believe it will be going back higher. As for me, I think it safer not to listen or believe both of the sides which will affected my judgement in trading.
    Mostly I use my Scalping Path method to trade which mean I am not waiting for a certain news to open a position. I use news only for the big pictures to guess what the trend would be. If I see it is bullish then I wait for a buy signal and if I'm almost sure it's a bearish then I will wait for my sell signal. And since most of my tradings done in the same day, then I'm not too affected by news.
    BTW, here's an interesting link to read: http://www.usagold.com/publications/specialreport-consequences.html
    (But please note that I don't have anything to do with the web source, I'm not its agent nor its marketing. I'm not promoting that web also)
    Lastly, I think gold will go up from now on until around end of August and then going down a little bit in the end of the year. But this is just my personal guess. Disclaimer ON.
    Good luck.

    1. Thanks for the answer. I actually think the same... The next price increase should be according to me next spring. lets see...

  3. kenapa udah ga update lg bro gold-god?

  4. Halo Chiemomo,

    Sekarang saya sedang sibuk sekali dengan bisnis konvensional ditambah lagi persiapan untuk menjadi tutor buat lembaga pendidikan yang baru akan running setelah Lebaran nanti.Jadi sementara saya belum bisa mengupdate blog ini.
    Saya usahakan dalam beberapa waktu ke depan sudah bisa update walaupun mungkin belum bisa sesering dulu.
    Thanks yah buat perhatiannya.
    BTW, trading instrumen apa saja? Bulan Juli sampai kira-kira akhir Agustus mungkin bisa melirik Soybean tuh. Sepertinya bisa naik. Tapi ingat, Disclaimer ON yah.
    Kalau masih trading gold, coba deh gunakan scalping path yang sudah beberapa kali saya posting disini. Akhir-akhir ini hampir tiap hari terbentuk Scalping Path sehingga bisa dipakai buat cari untung sedikit-sedikit.
    Good luck...

    1. scalping pathnya pakai oscilator apa ya? ada bnyk jenis oscilator nih @_@

    2. Prinsip oscillator sebenarnya sama saja. Mau pakai RSI, CCI, Stochastic, William Percent Range, dll, semuanya digunakan untuk menunjukkan kondisi Overbought / Oversold. Kalau saya pribadi lebih suka menggunakan William Percent Range dan RSI.

  5. Balasan
    1. Tidak semua broker menyediakan soybean. Hanya ada beberapa broker saja.
      Kalau tidak terbiasa bermain dalam komoditi tanaman sebaiknya jangan langsung terjun dengan real account. Soalnya karakternya sangat berbeda dengan forex dan metal (emas/perak). Di komoditas pertanian, news tidak terlalu berpengaruh, bahkan sama sekali tidak mempengaruhi pergerakan harganya. Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan juga berbeda jauh dengan forex atau metal.
      Sebaiknya kalau memang belum terbiasa, fokus saja ke forex atau metal.
