Rabu, 21 November 2012

A Thank and an Explanation

Hi all,

Thanks for all the comments on my last post titled "WHY???".
Yes I have emailed the admin using FF contact form but having no answer yet.
I know 3 FF rules very well. I didn't even break any rule including number 3. No Sellers on the Forum.

I didn't sell anything, I didn't offer anything to anybody, I didn't even sell my analysis for a single cent. All I did was sharing my opinion together with chart so many people will easily see it. Not only by words.

And about typing my blog site in FF comment area, I don't think it breaks their rule either. FF provide the facility to link to any trader website. Just go to any trader profile, see in the CONTACT (ANYMEMBER's) NAME box. You will find an icon say VISIT (ANYMEMBER's) WEBSITE that function as a shortcut to go to the member's website. If they give that facility, LOGICALLY, they allow anyone to visit any member website, right? So what did make it become different and break the rules if I type my blog address plainly in the comment area?
That doesn't make sense to me.
The only possible answer that flash in my mind is, there is a "SENIOR MEMBER" say Mr.X (I don't know what "SENIOR" means. Is it indicating a long time membership, or member with a lot of vouchers, or maybe part of the FF owner or what?). One thing for sure is that this SENIOR member has ability to suspend any membership.
This Mr.X only see that I post a link to different web (my blog) and without checking what it is, then blocked my membership.

OK folks, I don't wanna think about that anymore. If because of that reason they kick me out from that site and don't take out my suspension, it's their right. I already love FF and make it as my homepage in my browser. With this happen, I feel very bad. What can I do but only feel being unfair treated. If I don't show up anymore in FF, you know the reason.
Anyway, my trading can still going with or without ability to post comment in FF.
I will still share my opinion about gold market in this blog no matter anyone think negatively about me and trying to stop me.
Maybe I can't post everyday or every regular time, but I will try to post what I see about the market.
Any one who wants to see my opinion is welcome to visit my blog anytime.
Remember, it's all just a sharing. I DON'T SELL ANYTHING !!!!
Happy Trading guys....

GG - 2012.11.21

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  3. Balasan
    1. Hehehe...
      Memang gampang aja sih buat ID baru. Tapi persoalannya bukan itu. Saya cuma hak ngerti kenapa saya di suspend. Jadi persoalannya adalah saya dinyatakan bersalah tanpa mengerti kenapa salah, apanya yang salah? Kan aneh.
      Kalo saya liat, yang Senior Member ini yang belagu dan gak kompeten. Punya wewenang buat suspend orang malah main suspend tanpa ngecek bener apa ngganya. Emang saya jualan apa disitu? :D
      Thanks buat tipsnya
