Hi everyone,
Being curious of what the cause for these two last surprises, I am still not getting any convincing explanation.
I feel bad about it since one of the lesson I got long ago from an expert, say that if I got an unexpected move out of technical I had have predicted before, that it would be my "must-do" homework to search for the cause and add that to my experiences library. But, for these case, I'm not getting anything yet.
Okay, let's skip that for later. It's better we focus on the chart.
As in my 3rd Update (last post), I predicted gold will make some sideways first at 1716-1723 area (blue box). If we look at M15 chart, I have strong feeling that up to NY open, it is more likely gold will make sideways with at most 23.8% as the lower limit and 50% as the upper limit. I have strong feeling it will make even a more narrow path of sideways IF there is no unscheduled surprises. Even more, I'm hoping there's a scalping path for today. Let's see...
Good luck and trade well
GG - 2012.11.29
jam 8.30 malam bnyk yg blg emas akan terjun bebas ke 1700 atau bahkan 1675 karena data GDP dan unemployment sangat bagus. gmn tuh? btw boleh minta no HPnya bro? biar bisa sharing informasi lbh cepat....
BalasHapusWah, saya gak tau deh kalau hal itu. Soalnya datanya belum keluar kayanya gak logis kalau sudah ada yang bisa nebak :D
BalasHapusSaya biasanya gak mau dengerin isu, soalnya gak jelas sih. Kita lihat nanti ya.
Soal HP, sori bukan gak mau kasih nih tapi masih gabung sama kerjaan konvensional. Takutnya malah ntar gak fokus kalo pas ada berita ttg trading dan ganggu kerjaan yg lain :D.
Saya kalo lg di kerjaan (spt hari ini) biasanya gak mau buka trading, takut gak konsen dan kebawa emosi :D
Nanti kalo saya sdh full time saya kasih deh. Maklumin ya bro