Can anyone tell me what I did wrong to FF? What rules that I broke?
Or, who is this SENIOR MEMBER?
Sorry, I really need an answer. If I did something bad to FF than I should get this treat, but I don't feel making anything bad to FF. This is UNFAIR.
Thanks in advance....
GG - 2012.11.21
sorry to see that. try to email the admin. i'm not a member myself so i don't know FF regulation.
BalasHapusRule #1: Respect Thy Fellow Trader
BalasHapusRule #2: Trading Only
Rule #3: No Sellers on the Forum
mungkin Rule #3 om :) sering link ke blog ini? :)
I think the only reason of your blog advertisement on FF, i don't think any more reason.
BalasHapusiya, coba email moderatornya aja dulu dan minta penjelasannya....