Jumat, 23 November 2012
Last Update - 2012.11.23
Today I got another lesson lively. Usually I am not the kind of a man that ever underestimate NEWS. But I DID IT today!!! Damn.... (excuse me for that word :D)
Sorry? Yes. I could have made 10 times profit than I got just now. All my prediction was on the track. I was right until the news broke all my plan.
Looking the M15 chart above, everything went on its track. Gold price stuck around my predicted price. I was scalping in that area and making my 1% daily target. Already got that target when I closed all my long position and that jump happened. If only I hold it few more minutes.....
That's why I always say, never underestimate news. I often put aside my technical for a while when the certain big impact news show up.
Now stop talking the history. Let's discuss the situation....
Let's take a look at the 4H Chart below.
As we can see, this news must be big. It broke all my resistances in a single move. The last week path resistance (1), my purple top resistance (2), both my temporary uptrend lines (3 + 4).
Now, the only last resistance left is The Main Uptrend Resistance (5). I think it should be the strongest of all and I'm pretty sure gold will not break it in one pass only.
Today is become an extraordinary Friday. Gold price jumped so high and broke many resistances.
But I believe, as the nature calls for Friday, we're gonna have some correction at closing market in few more hours. Logically, many traders don't want to take the risks for next week. Many profit will be cashed in, and many cut losses will be made. In other words, I believe we will have a little bit retracement downside although I think it will not too big.
I think we will not have closing more than 1753.5, since it will be the next minor resistance for me before the Main Trend Resistance. We'll see....
For the downside scenario, I don't think gold will gonna go lower than my purple resistance which now automatically become the support for gold around 1736-1738 area.
It's more likely gold will be closed above 1740 and below 1750. Let's see.
Let's wait and see what this shiny yellow thing will do next week. Will it surprise us with jumping or the diving? Just be prepared for higher volatility next week.
Good luck and have a good weekend everyone....
GG - 2012.11.23
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What news bro? Are u indonesian?
BalasHapusHi Robert,
HapusI don't know what news yet. Still trying to find out what it is.
Yes I'm Indonesian. Are you also Indonesian? Sorry to ask, because I find Robertk from Netherland in FF. Is it you?
I need to know because I've made the answer to your question, just before I type this one, in assumption that you're Indonesian too. So I used Indonesian language in that answer.
GoldGold org indo kok gan...
BalasHapuskeknya seputar bank2 di eropa yg pd nambah cadangan emasnya bwt antisipasi bertahannya krisis utang di eropa...EU summitnya kan deadlock...ndk ada kata sepakat...mgkn gr2 itu
emas break high ke 1754.10 jam 12:48 AM..... wah wah ....
BalasHapusHi Robert,
BalasHapusYa, saya dari Indonesia.
Saya belum tahu news tentang apa, sekarang lagi cari2 berita yang menyangkut tentang ini. Soalnya dulu saya diajar sama orang "pintar" kalau ada sesuatu yang menggerakan pasar secara "tidak normal" diluar prediksi saya, maka harus dicari dan dipelajari sampai ketemu terus diingat sebagai bahan pelajaran :D
Bagi technical trader yang fanatik, pasti gak mengakui bahwa ini hasil dari news. Tapi menurut saya logikanya, mana mungkin berhari-hari naik turun pelan2, tiba2 dalam sekejap di hari Jumat malam harga bisa terbang ratusan pips di semua pair tanpa NEWS yang buat. Betul gak?
Nanti kalau sudah dapat saya share deh. Atau kalau tahu duluan tolong bagi ya bro.
Thank you.
Iya nih, kayaknya naik terus tuh ya :D
BalasHapusMaunya saya sih naik sampai ke 1800. Seneng banget deh. Hehehehe...
Soalnya banyak nahan buy di atas juga.
Tapi kalo saya analisa secara obyektif, seharusnya emas sudah mulai tertahan di daerah 1753-1755 ini
saya ada posisi 5 buy di harga tinggi , dan posisi sell di 1731 dan 1747... gmn yah? T_T , kemarin emas terbang begitu berita masyarakat belanja besar2an dgn memanfaatkan black friday , bisa di bilang ada beberapa market yg melakukan bargain besar2an sampe antrinya gila2an...dgn kata lain uang USD bertebaran di amrik dan USD melemah... USD dari 80.74 jatuh ke 80.22...
BalasHapusHi Sis,
BalasHapusCoba baca prediksi saya di postingan berjudul A Review and A Prediction (Part 2). Secara technical saya pikir emas akan naik. Tapi semua kemungkinan bisa terjadi karena minggu depan banyak high impact news. Mungkin aja berpengaruh menurunnya harga emas dan uptrend gak jadi.
Tapi menurut saya, apapun yang terjadi, sebaiknya coba deh biasakan diri untuk disiplin dengan money management. Stop loss saya pikir gak terlalu buruk utk mencegah kerugian yg lebih besar.
Buy nya di harga berapa? kalau masih di kepala 17xx an tahan aja, saya juga punya yg tertinggi di 1792an. Saya yakin kejemput gak lama. Tapi utk sellnya, mungkin tunggu sedikit koreksi juga boleh tapi jangan lupa pasang SL aja.
Soalnya forecast dari Larry William mulai akhir Nov sampai akhir tahun ini harga emas akan naik. Dan forecastnya si Larry Williams ini menurut pengalaman saya cukup baik akurasinya.
Tapi walaupun naik, pasti ada koreksi2. Cuma saya gak tahu akan sejauh mana.
Sebenarnya bbrp hari yg lalu saya kalo gak salah sdh pernah menyarankan pasang SL di 1740an lebih dikit. Gak jadi ya? :D
Nanti deh coba kita liat lagi perkembangannya minggu ini....
Hi gold-god, how can i contact you? I want to ask you something
BalasHapusHi Jerm Dee,
BalasHapusIf you are a member in Forex Factory, you can PM me there, or you can email me in this email: goldgod99@yahoo.com